Market Intelligence Review: Q1 2015
Published 16th Apr 2015State of the Union
Regional Financial Health Data: Understand Market Risk and Opportunity Across the U.S. When a company tries to determine what markets it should devote their resources to, or when it needs to understand the risk in business and consumer populations, many focus merely on one target company or consumer group. But in doing so, the economic impact other businesses and consumers can potentially have on the target is missed. Businesses are directly impacted by the financial health of the consumers surrounding them, while consumers are impacted by the financial health of the businesses around them. Many rankings that look at geographic pictures of the best places to live, retire, start your career, or raise your family are based on surveys, rough estimates and generalizations based on only a partial picture. In the past, data was unavailable to objectively and comprehensively determine what makes an area financially viable for businesses and consumers, until now. Powerlytics has developed a Financial Health Index that draws from our database of 154 million households and 30 million businesses in the US to provide truly superior sets of data and analytics previously unattainable on the market. The Index ranks the ‘financial health’ of both consumers and businesses across the basic dimensions of risk, growth and performance on a relative basis across any geographic area down to a zip code. This index can rank areas just based on one year or over multiple years. Over 15 different business and consumer factors enter into the calculation, which clients are finding not just insightful in decision-making, but predictive of certain customer behavior. For example, a recent analysis by an insurance company found that the business risk component of our health index to be predictive of homeowner policy customer retention.
Check out the Top 10 Best Places to Live and Work in America
Latest Products from Powerlytics
Powerlytics Business Advisor Powerlytics easily connects with QuickBooks to automatically generate a complete benchmark of business ratios and KPIs, so CPAs and CFO’s can help business owners better understand where they need to focus their energies to drive their businesses. Learn more
Powerlytics Lending Workbench Lending Workbench from Powerlytics is a powerful new tool to help banks improve both the growth and profitability of their loan portfolio as well as understand portfolio concentration risk. Learn how
Powerlytics Consumer Research Powerlytics consumer data is now available at a Zip plus 4 level. Providing unparalleled insight into consumer market growth opportunities and their corresponding risk profiles, Powerlytics database of 154 million U.S. households covers over 200 financial items. Using Powerlytics’ powerful research tool, these can be analyzed across deeply granular parameters, covering income ranges and geographies. Learn more
Superior Analytics Give A Competitive Edge to Insurance Carriers
Introducing A New High Quality Data Source for the Insurance Industry
Insurance carriers are constantly on the lookout for what will give them a true understanding of a policyholder’s risk level and how to more accurately target their marketing efforts. The only way to accomplish this is through consistent, accurate, granular and comprehensive financial data. Powerlytics’ unique data set provides insurance companies with information currently unavailable from other sources, allowing our insurance clients to make more informed business decisions to attract and retain the right individuals and businesses for maximum profitability.
Wendy Hopfensberger, an Insurance industry veteran with over 20 years experience in advanced data and analytics, has joined the Powerlytics team as Director, Insurance Sales and Product Development. Please join us in welcoming Wendy to the team!
Learn more about how Powerlytics supports the Insurance industry!
Powerlytics on the Move!
American Banker Retail Banking 2015 Powerlytics attended the recent American Banker Retail Banking 2015 conference in Austin, TX from March 9-11. We demoed our tool, Lending Workbench, a powerful new tool to help banks improve both the growth and profitability of their loan portfolios.
Analytics for Insurance, USA 2015 Powerlytics participated as a silver sponsor at the year’s recent Analytics for Insurance, USA conference in Chicago, IL from March 25-26. At the conference, Powerlytics showcased how its financial data impacted one of the top insurance companies in the US’ customer retention model, providing an opportunity to save $3 million in Homeowner’s Policy premiums. See the findings here.
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Published 6th Apr 2015
ArchivedBuilding a better retention model: Uncommon variables add up to multi-million dollar savings
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